You have just installed a new checkpoint, and have not yet installed the licences... You want to update IPS, but recieve an error when trying... BUGGER ! Checkpoint have released SK94508 to deal with the problem. "CPUSE requires a valid license for downloads and updates. The trial license is currently active and will expire on DD-MMM-YYY HH:MM:SS" message in Gaia Portal ('Upgrades (CPUSE)' pane / 'Software Updates' pane - 'Status and Actions' - "Important Messages" section at the top) Debug of Gaia Software Updates Agent daemon (per sk92449) shows in /opt/CPInstLog/DeploymentAgent.log: DEBUG: The user has not authorized downloads, not performing update. Solution: Log in to Expert mode, and perform cpstop. Edit $CPDIR/tmp/mis_Objects.C Modify from : (DownloadAccess :allow_download_content (false) to : (DownloadAccess :allow_download_content (true) Save the file. Run CPSTART.